idole - translation to french
Online Dictionary

idole - translation to french

n. idol, image which is worshiped as a god, any deity other than God (Biblical)
n. idolization, act of worshipping blindly, adoration, veneration; act of worshipping as an idol
idolize, worship


| post_town = Carmarthen
Pronunciation examples for idole
1. An idol?
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965)
2. is about idol worship.
Losing the Nobel Prize _ Brian Keating _ Talks at Google
3. Idol" with poetry.
MartyrLoserKing _ Saul Williams _ Talks at Google
4. was my childhood idol.
Colin Quinn _ Red State, Blue State _ Talks at Google
5. Idol on the radio.
Accordion to Cory _ Cory Pesaturo & Ljubinka Kulisic _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of idole
1. Partout, les avocats cornaquent la nouvelle idole du peuple.
2. Je me souviens aussi de Vladimir Vassiliev, mon idole d‘enfance...
3. Les chances sont minces que l‘ancienne idole des marchés financiers se taise.
4. Le cousin de ma m';re, un chirurgien connu ŕ Zurich, était mon idole.
5. En passe de devenir la nouvelle idole de la p';gre, il fascine déjŕ la presse.